As part of CRICK 06 this week, we continue to explore the knot of our time, the causes of anxiety, and possible alternative formats of organizing a community that will be caring, just, solidary, and egalitarian. On 21.09.2021 (Tuesday) starting at 19:30 CEST / 18:30 UK time, on the zoom platform and on Facebook we are glad to have as a guest the provocative philosopher Peter Hallward, who will have a lecture entitled:: : : Common Cause: The Challenge of Mass Sovereignty:: The lecture will be followed by a conversation with Artan Sadiku, and an online polemic open to all who will join the shared links.
: : Common Cause: The Challenge of Mass Sovereignty : :
If a popular sovereign is to prevail over its enemies and control its government, Rousseau reminds us, it must both generalize the will that directs it and concentrate the powers that enforce it. Appreciation of the tension between these two requirements helps to shed light on some decisive aspects of the work of both Rousseau and Marx, and then of some of their revolutionary readers in France and Russia. It also helps to frame an approach to emancipatory political organisation and strategy more broadly, which I hope to illustrate via discussion of some examples drawn from the Second International and from the struggle for civil rights in the US. One of the central questions that’s at stake in each case is the specifically political dimension of a category that has too often been relegated to the margins of critical theory and philosophy – the category of causality, and in particular the sort of commanding causal power associated with deliberate and purposeful collective practice.
Peter Hallward teaches at the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy at Kingston University in the UK. He has written books on the philosophies of Alain Badiou and of Gilles Deleuze, on postcolonial literature, and on contemporary Haitian politics. Hallward is a member of the editorial collective of the journal Radical Philosophy and a contributin editor to Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities.
After completing his PhD at Yale University in French and African-American studies, Hallward became a lecturer, and then reader, of French philosophy and literature at King’s College London from 1999 to 2004. He then joined the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy, which relocated from Middlesex University to Kingston University. He is now a professor of Modern European Philosophy at Kingston University
He is currently working on a book entitled The Will of the People (forthcoming from Verso in 2023) and on some related topics connected with the broad theme of political will.…/professor-peter-hallward-372/
Споделено на: July 10, 2024 во 10:53 pm